-----------------Trick Tips-----------------
OLLIE~ Put your back foot on the tail. Front foot in middle of board. Bend down. Snap the board and instantly slide you're front foot up. level it out in the air. land and roll away.
VARIAL FLIP~ This trick is a lot easier if you already know how to kickflip and pop shuv-it.The best way to put your feet is with your back foot on the toe edge of the tail, and with your front foot at about a 45 degree angle and your toe on the heel edge. It should be about 2 or 3 inches from the bolts. This whole thing is simultaneous. Pop the tail and push your back foot to the heel edge like a pop shove-it. Slide your front foot forward and towards the edge, flipping the board. Try to keep your board underneath your feet and also keep your feet out of the way while it is flippin' around. Then when it has turned a 180 and flipped catch the board so it's in normal position. Show it off to your friends.
NOLLIE~ To begin, place your front foot comfortably on the nose and your back foot across the middle of the board. Push down on the nose to get the pop: the harder you push, the higher you go. Now your back foot helps the board come off the ground by sliding up the board. What helped me was learning switch ollies while I was learning nollies. When you feel like you've reached maximum flight, your board should have leveled out flat. Now wait until you hit the ground, and like everybody says, roll away smoothly.
KICKFLIP~ Get on your board in an ollie stance. Then take you front foot and put it right before the front bolts. Now turn it 45 degrees. The ball of your back foot should be in the middle of your tail. First you gotta pop down your tail real hard, so you begin to get off the ground. As you rise, slide off the heel edge of your board. Now you better have your feet outta the way any way you'd like. Wait for the board to spin around, and stay well above it. When it fully spins, bring your feet back in and catch it. The best place for your feet to catch the board is right on top of all the bolts. Then bend your knees a little because the ground is coming.When your board hits the ground (and you should be on it at this point...), you need to use your legs like shocks on a car, and obsorb the landing
Heelflip~ Put your back foot in your popping place, with your front foot in the middle. Pop it like an ollie, but slide out your heel right below the nose so that it will start to spin under you. Be sure to jump so that it can fully spin. When you catch it, bend your knees to absorb the shock.
POP SHUV-IT~ The first thing you need to do is pop it. Now put slide your front foot forward and your back foot backward. REMEMBER: You can place your feet in different positions for this trick. Once it finishes spinning, get back on it and don't slip. Just remember to jump forward so it looks cool.