--------------------Trick Tips 3-------------------
50-50 GRIND~Approach the ledge or rail you are going to grind either at a 45 degree angle or less. Ollie at an angle with your front foot first and your back foot following until you land on the ledge/rail. You want to ollie just high enough to get on, but not too high or you will slam your trucks really hard. Once you start sliding, keep your weight over the center of the board. If possible, have your back foot on the tail. On curbs and low ledges, you can just roll out of it sometimes, but if it is higher you either need to drop or ollie out of it. to drop it, just keep your weight over the back truck and manual until you fall. To ollie out, pop the tail and fall to the ground. When you land, keep your weight centered and try not to slip out. Stay balanced and ride away smooth.
NOSEGRIND~ Approach the ledge at a good speed. When you reach your ledge (a VERY slight angle), make sure that your front foot is near the 2 back bolts on the front truck. Ollie high enough for the front truck to be a little bit above the ledge. In the air, put pressure on the nose of the deck so that the board's front truck is on the ledge. Then push foward so that it will grind more easily. When you are at the end of the ledge lean back just a little so you can get off of it and land.
5-0 GRIND~ First, ride towards the curb at hardly any angle at all, and don't go very fast at first. Make sure the curb is waxed well. Now ollie and land on the curb with only your back truck, not your front at all, and drag your tail. Kind of like a crappy manual on the edge of the curb with one wheel hanging off. It is VERY important that you don't lean back to much. The biggest danger is slipping out, so don't lean back at all! Try to keep yourself balanced, and slide as long as you can. When you're done, come off the same way you do on a 50-50.
FEEBLE~ A feeble is a cross between a 50-50 and a boardslide. Ride up to the obstacle at a slight angle, but not too much. Ollie like youre gonna do a 50-50 but point your front truck over the obstacleso your board is sliding as well. Keep your back foot on the tail and your front foot as near to the front bolts as possible. Remember to keep some weight on your back foot so that you canslide, because if you put too much weight on your front foot you will stick and fall forward. Also remember not to put too much weight on your back foot, because then you will go into a 5-0 grind and you dont want to do that damnit, because your doing a feeble. If the obstacle ends, simply slide off and adjust your weight level over the board to land and ride away. If it doesnt end, try to do a sort of ollie and pivit off the obstacle by hitting your tail and popping off. Land level and ride away.